Electric heating cutter available in several blades to remove the remains of EVA of laminated glass

EVA Thermal Cutter

EVA Thermal Cutter

Electric heating cutter available in several blades to remove the remains of EVA of laminated glass

For details, please read this product page: http://cncglass.com/eva-thermal-cutter-hot-knife/

Silicone Vacuum Bag

Silicone Vacuum Bag for EVA Laminating Glass Machine

This silicone bag sealed and easy to use allows to laminate glass sheets on the horizontal method.

Light Measuring Equipment UV + VI + IR

Light Measuring Equipment UV + VI + IR

For laminated glass

UV=Ultra Violet

VI=Visible Light


Green Tape Ultra high temperature resistance

Green RibbonTape: Ultra high temperature resistance

Thermal ribbon for laminate with vacuum bag.

Maximum supported temperature: more than135 º C

Published by [email protected] EVA film glass interlayer

Peter Lin Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Whatsapp: 0086 15013829504 Super clear eva film Outdoor white eva film series Green tape for laminating, heating resistant Thermal cutter trimming eva glass edges www.cncGlass.com www.cncEva.com